by Dr Paige Williams | Sep 17, 2019 | Articles
How much sleep should a leader get? What would you say if I told you the one thing you can do to be a better leader was simply to sleep? Would you dismiss it as too simplistic? Or would you worry that if you didn’t stay up late every night finishing work and/or rise...
by Dr Paige Williams | Sep 11, 2019 | Articles
Are you at risk of burn-out? It’s official. ‘Burn-out’ is a Thing – or rather it’s a syndrome. The World Health Organization has reclassified it in the latest edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), that will come into effect in January 2022....
by Dr Paige Williams | Sep 3, 2019 | Articles
Three ways to do more with less as a leader The pressure to do more with less is everywhere. Shorter deadlines mean less time; streamlined teams means fewer people and budget constraints reduce resources. It can feel like a no-win situation that can leave leaders...
by Dr Paige Williams | Aug 21, 2019 | Articles
Leadership and change: is one making the other fail? There is one challenge that many of my clients have in common and ask for my help with, and that is how to lead change successfully. We know the pace of change has increased exponentially in the last few decades and...
by Dr Paige Williams | Aug 19, 2019 | Articles, Leadership
Are you stupidly resilient? The myth about leadership resilience. In mid 2019 I was interviewed by ABC Radio Melbourne’s Libbi Gorr on her Health and Wellness show about leveraging leadership through Energy, Attitude and Mindset. One of the callers to the show asked...
by Dr Paige Williams | Aug 11, 2019 | Articles
Are you ready to lead the Future of Work? When I was at school I wanted to be in PR – I thought it would be exciting and glamorous and I could see myself making it big in the City wearing sharp power suits with big shoulder pads (It was the 80s!). I did work in PR...
by Dr Paige Williams | Jul 22, 2019 | Articles
The biggest leadership challenge… and opportunity The world of Positive Psychology – the science of what makes life worth living – descended on Melbourne in July 2019 for the 6th World Congress in Positive Psychology. The Congress showcased Melbourne as the world’s...