How Not To Be An A-Hole

How Not To Be An A-Hole

How Not To Be An A-Hole How Not To Be An A-Hole Doing accountability better is the single most important thing we can do to lift possibility, progress and performance for ourselves and the people and systems we lead. But what does this look like in action? How can we...
Why To Be A Rule Breaker

Why To Be A Rule Breaker

Why To Be A Rule Breaker Why To Be A Rule Breaker Rules are designed to provide structure, ensure fairness, comply with laws and standards, and ensure consistency for people across processes and procedures. But do they really serve us? How might breaking the rules be...
Use Your Bias for Good

Use Your Bias for Good

Use Your Bias for Good Use Your Bias for Good Psychology tells us that we are biased to notice and remember the negative more than the positive, so how can we use this to our advantage? Perhaps what ‘not good’ looks like is just as important…   Transcript...
The Value of Deviance

The Value of Deviance

The Value of Deviance The Value of Deviance To be called a ‘deviant’ isn’t something we necessarily aspire to, but when it comes to leading exceptionally perhaps it’s just what we need. Maybe it’s time to be less normal… Transcript I’ve been thinking for a while...
Could you be an Anti-Hero Leader?

Could you be an Anti-Hero Leader?

Could you be an Anti-Hero Leader? Could you be an Anti-Hero Leader? I loved Batman and Wonder Woman as a child, but the super-heroes we grow up with give us expectations about the role of leaders. Is that really what good leadering looks like? Maybe it’s time to take...
The antidote to overwhelm

The antidote to overwhelm

The antidote to overwhelm The antidote to overwhelm Accelerating change and increasing job demands mean that everyone is feeling stretched. And this is particularly true for leaders as they manage the inherent tension between delivering on the commercial outcomes for...
3 questions to lead well in complexity

3 questions to lead well in complexity

3 questions to lead well in complexity 3 questions to lead well in complexity How can we make good decisions in the faster, more complex contexts in which we live and work? Transcript You may have heard the of the acronym ‘VUCA’. It was first used in 1987 at the US...
Why To Be A Rule Breaker

How to Lead Better

How to Lead Better How to Lead Better Transcript What is the difference between what does ‘good’ look like and what does ‘good enough’ look like? The question ‘what does good look like?’ is around us having an orientation towards which we are moving. There’s a...
10X is easier than 2X

10X is easier than 2X

10X is easier than 2X 10X is easier than 2X Your formula for success in 2024 “Book 10X is easier than 2x”: Your Year by Design videos:    • Your Year by Design   Transcript Hey there and welcome to this week’s newsletter....
How to Power Up Your Leadership

How to Power Up Your Leadership

How to Power Up Your Leadership What are you hoping Father Christmas will bring? This question from my childhood rings true at this time of year. I remember the excitement of possibility, the anticipation of what might be in my stocking or under the tree on Christmas...
Do You Get My Drift?

Do You Get My Drift?

Do You Get My Drift? One of my favourite ways to help senior leadership teams to break down silos and lead more effectively together is to invite them each to share a time when they felt proud of a contribution they made or progress they achieved. I describe the...
Are You A Need-To-Know-It-All?

Are You A Need-To-Know-It-All?

Are You A Need-To-Know-It-All? Have you ever been in a conversation with someone when you know that they don’t know the answer, but are bluffing their way through?Yes. Me too. And maybe just maybe… has the person ever been you…?Hell yes! Me too. It’s a thing isn’t it,...